Our Staff

Greetings from the Ethereal Plane,

Gehenna & Hinnom Books boasts a small staff, but our staff are passionate about providing the best possible fiction we can, while we expand and broaden our horizons.

C. P. Dunphey – Editor-in-Chief

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Gehenna & Hinnom Books is the brainchild of science fiction/horror author C.P. Dunphey. After the success of his first novel, Plane Walker, Dunphey decided to use his marketing talents, editorial experience, reputation, and passion for helping other writers find publishing success, to create Gehenna & Hinnom Books as a medium for new, up-and-coming authors who dwell in the darker side of fiction. Dunphey has edited thousands of short stories, many novels, and has published short story collections of famous authors, in addition to annotated and revised collections of public domain works. He has helped hundreds of authors find publishing success and hopes to help many more in the years to come.

Caleb Stephens – Assistant Editor

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Caleb Stephens is a CPA and author who resides in Denver, Colorado. His short stories have been published in Horror Tales Podcast, Ink Stains, and Hinnom Magazine, for which he is the Assistant Editor. His stories have also received honorable mentions in Writer’s Digest and Allegory Magazine. He is currently neck deep in his second novel, a dark speculative horror thriller that keeps him up way too late at night. When he’s not writing, he can be found honing his guitar chops or playing with his three daughters. Learn more about his work at www.calebstephensauthor.com and follow him on Twitter and Medium @cstephensauthor.

Gwendolyn N. Nix – Acquisitions Editor

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Raised in the wilds of countless library stacks, Gwendolyn N. Nix has forged her skills in writing and science in the shark-infested waters of Belize, by researching neural proteins, inducing evolutionary pressures in green algae, and through the limitless horizons of her own imagination. A born seeker of adventure, she saw her first beached humpback whale on a windy day in New York, met a ghost angel in a Paris train station, and had Odin answer her prayers on a mountain in Scotland. Her short fiction appears in The Sisterhood of the Blade anthology. The Falling Dawn is her first novel. She lives in Missoula, MT. Find out more at http://www.gwendolynnix.com.

Kristin Molnar – Acquisitions Editor

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Kristin Molnar is a lover all things ink. She grew up in a small suburban town in Southeastern Michigan. She’s lived all over the country, including a three-year stint in Hawaii, before settling (for now) in Eastern North Carolina. She works at a University library by night and sleeps while the normal humans are awake. Her poem “Sliver” is in the spring 2018 issue of Infernal Ink Magazine and her short story “Till Death Do Us Part” will be in the spring 2019 edition of Ink Slingers Anthology. She’s received her MFA from Seton Hill University. When she’s not writing books or making library displays, you may find her haunting the local tattoo shops expanding her collection of tattoos.

Justin Burnett – Acquisitions Editor

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Justin Burnett is a high theory and low culture junkie, dividing his reading and intellectual focus between the academic canon of literature and philosophy and the darker back alleys of horror, pulp, sci-fi, and bizarro. Burnett is the author of Esoteric Sausage and Other Malformations, a short fiction collection from NihlismRevised press, and The Last Drug Trial on Earth, a novel scheduled to release in late 2018. Burnett’s work has also been featured on Clash Media, Lost in the Funhouse, and in multiple upcoming anthologies. Burnett is also the Executive Director at Silent Motorist Media.

Duane Pesice – Guest Editor

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Duane’s principal influences are “Golden Age” and “New Wave” SF, Lovecraft Mythos, noir, and gonzo journalism. He’s been published in a number of genre periodicals and writes a tri-weekly column about the Chicago Cubs. His work is mostly speculative fiction shot through with veins of cosmic horror, a touch of satire, and a generous helping of scientific extrapolation. He was born in northern Maine, moved to the Chicago area as a youngster, and currently resides in the desert Southwest with his cats and guitars, books, and computers.

Lisa Quigley – Reviewer/Non-Fiction Writer

Lisa Quigley

First and foremost, she is passionately devoted to the craft of horror and weird fiction. Last year, she had two fiction publications: “Redemption” in Automata Review and “Birth” in the November issue of Unnerving Magazine—a special Stephen King themed issue. For three years, she was a contributing writer on the blog Dwarf + Giant, where she reviewed books and interviewed authors. Some of her favorites over there are: a review of Paul Tremblay’s Disappearance at Devil’s Rock, an interview with Paul Tremblay, and a contribution to a special Halloween series initiated by The Last Bookstore. Currently, she is the Creative Director and co-host of a dark fiction podcast called Ladies of the Fright (http://www.ladiesofthefright.com.) In a former life, she was the Editorial Assistant for IDEA Fitness Journal, where she gained real-world editorial experience and knowledge of the periodical publishing industry. She also researched and wrote the Buzz, Member Spotlight, and Product Showcase for IFJ, in addition to the occasional feature article.

Christina Ngo – Editorial Assistant, PR Specialist


Christina is currently studying Marketing Management at the University of Southern Mississippi. She hopes to delve into the publishing world and to help authors reach broader horizons with their work, while ensuring that Gehenna & Hinnom stands apart from other publishers with its professional and personal approach. When Christina’s not corresponding with authors or working on her degrees, she can be found organizing events with USM’s Vietnamese Student Association and pampering her pet bearded dragon.

Travis Holmes – Contributing Editor

Travis Holmes is a multi-faceted artist, whose work can be found here. In addition to illustrating the covers of both Hinnom Magazine Issue 003 and Hinnom Magazine Issue 004, Holmes is also a contributing editor to Gehenna & Hinnom Books, most notably, his essential guidance and support with the upcoming The Annotated Works of Arthur Machen.


If you have a short story you are prepping for publication, or you have a novel that needs that finishing touch of revisions, feel free to email us with an inquiry.  There is no set price or budget we require, as each work is different and we are also aware of the ridiculous prices charged by most editors.

We promise to work with you, with your budget, and your time constraints.  We also vow to help in any way possible, with the goal in mind of perfecting your vision and bringing your brain child into a wonderful, thriving existence.